Week 1. Reflection Example and In-Class-Activities


To have a thorough reflection of week one tasks based from homework and in-class activities

Gmail and Hotmail
Task Create email accounts:
  • Gmail with contacts and group contact list
  • Hotmail with contacts and group contact list
General Steps:
  1. Go to www.gmail.com and www.live.com
  2. Complete the general information
  3. Sign into the email account created
  4. Click on the dropdown menu/apps icon
  5. Select contacts/people
  6. Add each individual email using the "new - contacts and contacts group/list" feature
  7.  Using Manage or More tab you may import contacts from another email account
The challenges I faced while completing the task are:
  1. Having to first locate "contacts"
  2. Knowing how to add "group contact list"
I overcame the challenges by the following:
I researched in google how to create contacts list in google/how to create contacts list in hotmail.
I realised you could also browse http://google.com/contacts to get directly to the contact list on your android device.It will may be on the left hand side as create label.

I learnt how to create contact lists using devices. I benefited from this learning experience, due to knowing that emails are tools of communication.

I will use emails to communicate information with my students to send and receive information from them. Additionally, I am able to send one email to all my students at one time without having to individually put in their emails.

Role of Technology and Media in Education

A Brief History of Instructional Technology

      The Six (6) Categories of Media

Click on the following link to know how you learn.

Multiple Intelligences

Lev Vygotsky

Jerome Bruner

Ivan Pavlov

B.F. Skinner

Jean Piaget

Erik Erikson


In this first week of Educational Technology I realized that Technology in Education allows learners to learn more easily, since it caters for their varying learning styles. Furthermore, it is important to use the six different types of media to share information with each other. The way some learners learn may be via multiple intelligences that they possess in high aptitudes. Conversely, there are many theories that are about the ways human beings learn, but the four main theories deal with the behaviour, cognitive, constructive and psycho-social ways in which all human beings learn.

Overall, I believe I have learnt so much already as a facilitator of learning about how to integrate technology in education by the way I have selected and utilized media, methods and materials, that allowed the learners in my classroom to participate in groups, as a whole class and as individual independent learners. 

I intend to continue improving the learning of my students as I stick to my motto:

"In learning you will teach 
and in teaching you will learn" 
(Phil Collins)